Friday 7 June 2013


Behance is a really useful website for research and inspiration, finding new illustrators and seeing sketchbooks and work in progress.

Daniel Danger

 i love daniel danger's spooky atmospheric illustrations of haunted houses and abandoned places, i think they really tell a story. the use of scratchy lines and dark colours add to a sense of mystery.

Daniel Egneus

Daniel egnues's illustrations have a mix of neat details and fluid fast brushstrokes and splashes of paint, i really like this style it gives his illustrations an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. i like how his illustrations can seem rushed and messy but when you look closer and see the detail alot of thought must of gone into each piece.

Nuno DaCosta

Nuno DaCosta's fashion illustrations are very simple and elegant. the simplicity of her line work and contrast of black ink against paper makes these images strong and bold yet still seem soft and feminine, i love her style of drawing the elongation of necks and full lips makes them unique but still has the realness of life drawing.


 Jason Levesque runs his own blog for his artwork, he does regular updates of new illustrations, upcoming exhibitions, tutorials and things for sale, so there is always something new to check out and his illustrations are really amazing, i love his use of colour palletes and the simplicity of the line work with photoshop colouring. 

Thursday 6 June 2013

Silke Werzinger

Silke Werzinger's contemporary illustrations are fun and humorous, her loose line work works really well with the funny content of her imagery, she also does some fashion illustration with the same kind of strong line work with softer watercolours to create a flowing style in her illustrations.

Victoria Ball

Victoria Ball's childrens illustrations are so cute and adorable, i love her use of watercolour and digital colouring and her character design is adroable especially the little mouses!

The Gashlycrumb Tinies

                                                    The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey

a dark little rhyme with very dark illustrations about a few children who met their untimely death.

children's drawings to toys

Children's drawings turned into soft toys, some of these are really creepy others turned out quite cute, a really good idea to materialise what a child sees things like.

Steampunk Insects

"Since the late 1990′s style steampunk is becoming more and more popular, and not only in the literature. Various modern utilitarian objects have been modded by enthusiasts into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical “steampunk” style. And often this stylization gives very unexpected results. Like, for example, art works of american sculptor Mike Libby. His studio Insect Lab make robots from dried insects. Insects for his works come from around the world, from Africa, China, New Guinea, Brazil, Texas, etc. Each cog or gear wheel from antique pocketwatches and wristwatches are used as mechanical components. Each small robot from his collection is unique and costs a lot of money – price for the one robot ranges from $600 to $2500"

These steampunk mechanical insects are really amazing, made from real insects (dead obviously) and put together with tiny cogs and springs make these little things look like old fashioned robot bugs. so cool.

Emily Carew Woodard

I really love emily's illustrations, her character designs are full of personality and her images tell a story. the use of a muted colour palette in some of her work gives a warm vintage look that adds to the sense of an old fashioned fairy tale story with her characters.

Sunday 2 June 2013


A really great website full of awesome arty stuff of all kinds that you can imagine, great at going through for a bit of inspiration you can find the most amazing things on here! 

Sketchbook Scans

some amazing sketchbook pages from illustrators and artists in many different styles.